U.S. Makes Initial Offers in Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

U.S. Makes Initial Offers in Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

Why It Matters: The price offers kick off negotiations.The medicines selected for negotiations are taken by millions of Americans to treat conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. The administration identified them in August, beginning a lengthy process intended to result in an agreed-upon price that would take effect in 2026, assuming the negotiation program survives legal challenges.The initial round of price offers is a key step in the negotiation process. Each drugmaker has until early March to accept the offer or propose a counteroffer to the government. A series of negotiation sessions could follow, with the process set to conclude by August.Health policy experts said the announcement of the initial round of offers amounted to a kind of starting gun, giving the Biden admin...
After Jackie Robinson statue is destroyed, Wichita rallies around a baseball league

After Jackie Robinson statue is destroyed, Wichita rallies around a baseball league

It was around noon last Thursday when Bob Lutz walked outside of his work and headed home before the start of his daily radio show. He looked across 17th Street in Wichita, Kan., from the offices of League 42, the nonprofit baseball league he founded in 2013. On a rainy, overcast day, he gazed over toward the Jackie Robinson statue the league had erected in 2021. The statue was a symbol of hope and resilience. Lutz, though, could not see the bronze depiction of the man who broke baseball’s color barrier.For a moment, Lutz wondered if it was covered by fog. He blinked. Looked again. Doubting himself, he called an assistant out of the building to join him. The woman looked and also could not see the statue.Soon they were across the street, where the odd hallucination of a missing statue turn...
Will Lawmakers Really Act to Protect Children Online? Some Say Yes.

Will Lawmakers Really Act to Protect Children Online? Some Say Yes.

In the final minutes of a congressional hearing on Wednesday in which tech chief executives were berated for not protecting children online, Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, urged lawmakers to act to safeguard the internet’s youngest users.“No excuses,” he said.Lawmakers have long made similar statements about holding tech companies to account — and have little to show for it. Republicans and Democrats alike have at various points declared that it was time to regulate the tech giants over matters such as privacy and antitrust. Yet for years, that was where it ended: with no new federal regulations for the companies to follow.The question is whether this time will be different. And already, there are indicators that the topic of online child safety may gain more traction leg...
Walmart to Add 150 U.S. Stores in Five-Year Expansion Drive

Walmart to Add 150 U.S. Stores in Five-Year Expansion Drive

Walmart will add 150 stores in the United States over the next five years, a major expansion drive for the retail giant.The company said the move, which it announced in a statement on Wednesday, would involve millions of dollars in investment. Walmart employs roughly 1.6 million people in the United States, and said it hires hundreds of people each time it opens a new store.Walmart had just over 4,600 stores nationwide at the end of October, down from more than 4,700 a year earlier. The company has not opened a new U.S. store since late 2021.Most of the stores that Walmart plans to open will be newly built, while others will be conversions of existing locations to new formats. The first two new stores will open in the spring, in Florida and Georgia, and the company is completing constructi...
Los mejores servicios financieros en Latinoamérica
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Los mejores servicios financieros en Latinoamérica

La industria de servicios financieros en Latinoamérica ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años. Con la expansión de la economía y el aumento de la clase media, la demanda de servicios financieros ha aumentado considerablemente en la región. En este artículo, exploraremos algunos de los mejores servicios financieros disponibles en Latinoamérica. Banca en línea Uno de los servicios financieros más populares en Latinoamérica es la banca en línea. Con la creciente penetración de internet en la región, cada vez más personas están optando por realizar sus transacciones bancarias en línea. Los bancos en Latinoamérica ofrecen una amplia gama de servicios en línea, que incluyen transferencias de dinero, pagos de facturas y consultas de saldo. La banca en línea ofrece com...
Roblox, una plataforma de videojuegos con fines educativos
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Roblox, una plataforma de videojuegos con fines educativos

En el mundo de los videojuegos, existe una plataforma que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años: Roblox. A primera vista, podría parecer solo otro juego en línea más, pero en realidad, es mucho más que eso. Roblox es una plataforma de videojuegos con fines educativos que ha logrado captar la atención de millones de usuarios en todo el mundo. Roblox ofrece a sus usuarios la oportunidad de crear sus propios juegos y experiencias interactivas. A través de su lenguaje de programación interno, llamado "Roblox Studio", los jugadores pueden dar vida a sus ideas y construir sus propios mundos virtuales. Esta capacidad de creación fomenta la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico, habilidades que son fundamentales en el mundo actual. Además de la creación de juegos, Roblox también ofrece un...
¿Cómo puedo llevar una alimentación saludable mientras como fuera de casa?

¿Cómo puedo llevar una alimentación saludable mientras como fuera de casa?

Consejos para mantener una alimentación saludable cuando comes fuera de casa Introducción Comer fuera de casa puede ser un desafío para mantener una alimentación saludable. Con la gran cantidad de opciones poco saludables en restaurantes y lugares de comida rápida, puede resultar difícil tomar decisiones saludables. Sin embargo, con un poco de planificación y conocimiento, es posible mantener una alimentación equilibrada incluso cuando estás fuera de casa. En este artículo, te daremos algunos consejos para ayudarte a mantener una alimentación saludable cuando comes fuera de casa. Planifica con antelación Una de las claves para mantener una alimentación saludable cuando comes fuera de casa es planificar con antelación. Antes de salir a comer, investiga los restaurantes que ofrecen opcio...
How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden’s Immigration Hopes

How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden’s Immigration Hopes

On President Biden’s first day in office, he paused nearly all deportations. He vowed to end the harsh practices of the Trump administration, show compassion toward those wishing to come to the United States and secure the southern border.For Mr. Biden, it was a matter of principle. He wanted to show the world that the United States was a humane nation, while also demonstrating to his fellow citizens that government could work again.But those early promises have largely been set aside as chaos engulfs the border and imperils Mr. Biden’s re-election hopes. The number of people crossing into the United States has reached record levels, more than double than in the Trump years. The asylum system is still all but broken.On Friday, in a dramatic turnaround from those early days, the president i...
¿Cuáles son los mejores alimentos para promover una buena salud pulmonar?

¿Cuáles son los mejores alimentos para promover una buena salud pulmonar?

Los alimentos clave para fortalecer tus pulmones Los pulmones son uno de los órganos más importantes de nuestro cuerpo. Son los encargados de llevar oxígeno a todas las células y eliminar el dióxido de carbono, por lo que es crucial mantenerlos sanos y fuertes. Una de las formas de cuidar nuestros pulmones es a través de la alimentación. Al incluir ciertos alimentos en nuestra dieta, podemos fortalecer la salud pulmonar y prevenir enfermedades respiratorias. En este artículo, te mostraremos cuáles son los alimentos clave para fortalecer tus pulmones. Frutas ricas en vitamina C Las frutas ricas en vitamina C son fundamentales para mantener la salud de los pulmones. Esta vitamina es un poderoso antioxidante que protege las células pulmonares del daño causado por los radicales libres, ...
The Stanley Cup Lead Scare Is Not Something to Worry About, Experts Say

The Stanley Cup Lead Scare Is Not Something to Worry About, Experts Say

You might have heard of the Stanley tumbler, the hip, trendy water bottle that has people camping outside stores or getting into fights to get their hands on one.They’ve become a fashion accessory, especially since Stanley has made use of influencer culture to target women and make sales of its tumblers skyrocket. The reach of the bottles has been amplified by social media users.But social media giveth and social media taketh away. In recent weeks, several widely shared posts on TikTok, Instagram, Reddit and X have amplified concerns Stanley cups may contain lead, with one X user calling it “The Leadening.” YouTubers have also jumped into the fray. One TikTok video on the topic was viewed nearly seven million times.Some Stanley owners, hoping to check the claims, started to use home lead-t...